Monday, October 17, 2011

Writers' conferences

I know I'm a bit tardy checking the stats for this, but my blog got a fantastic spike during the month of August. The steamy month of August prompts people to check out romance novelists blogs? Maybe . . . but I'm guessing it has more to do with me being a panelist at the When Words Collide Conference that was held in August in Calgary.

Take home message to other new writers - get out there! I had a great time, and got advertising to boot. Sure I had those public speaking butterflies. You know, speaking, about romance writing, to a group with a lot of non-romance writers in the crowd was a bit intimidating and made me second guess what in the world I had been thinking. But it was awesome!

So if any of you are wondering if you want to jump into something like that, I hope you do, and I hope it is an incredibly rewarding experience!

Happy Writing and Happy Reading!

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